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Create Your Blueprint for a Happy Life

Mentoring for CEOs and Entrepreneurs
with Marc Rousso


Meet Marc Rousso

Marc Rousso is an entrepreneur, mentor, and speaker. With his partner Jay Mezistrano, he founded JayMarc Homes – a luxury home-building company in Seattle. His passions are mentoring, speaking, DJing and inspiring happiness around the world.

Over 50 mentors and coaches have guided and supported him in all areas of his life. By founding the Mentor Maketh Inspire Happiness program, Marc is honoring this wisdom and paying it forward.

Inspire Happiness Workbook

Marc’s workbook “Inspire Happiness: Create Your Blueprint for a Happy Life” empowers individuals to cultivate joy, resilience, and purpose in their lives. Through practical exercises and heartfelt insights, Marc encourages readers to unlock their inner potential and embrace happiness as a daily practice.


Guided Forum Retreats

The Inspire Happiness workbook provides the foundation for a self-reflection and life planning program designed specifically for forums and their retreats. Marc guides groups through the workbook exercises to help participants create their own Blueprint for Happiness.

You’ll discover what’s challenging you, what you want to achieve in life, and the specific actions that you need to make. Your takeaway will be your own personal pathway to living a more intentional life.

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Personal Mentoring

Each year, Marc acts as a mentor to a limited number of entrepreneurs who want to create a vision for their future and are prepared to work diligently to accomplish that goal.

Through personal mentoring, Marc is committed to contributing to the success of others. He helps you to see the blind spots and challenges you to seek out new ideas and areas for growth.


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"Whoever can be mentored by Marc will no doubt benefit beyond what they can even imagine."
'Marc is an important and really busy guy! But if you are in his inner circle, when he gives a damn about you, he really does give a damn! He will call or regularly follow up with you to hold you accountable and tell you he has your back. He is very generous with his time and insightful advice. He doesn’t hold back and his authenticity and love overflows. I’m honored and grateful to have him as a mentor, friend and brother!'

James Wong

Co-Founder / CEO Vibrant Cities


“Whenever I needed a mentor or coach to push, pull, guide or love me on this journey, one has appeared.”

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